Hare Krishna
Sri Krishna Janmashtami
Jai Sri KrishnaIt is sri Krishna Janmashtami today, indeed a very auspicious day for devotees and followers,
Indeed a day to Know Krishna to adore him at the core base of Heart,
Krishna, the heart master of masses,
Krishna, the giver of light in the form of Gita,
Krishna Said that Gita is my heart that very essence of truth every one belongs to, it is a universal gospel, ancient scripture that with perfect relevancy for times, path to overcome the recurring daily afflictions of life, truth to discover self and strength which rejuvenate self for a ultimate cause,
Krishna Said that Give me your whole heart, love me and adore me and you will find me at the pitch of your Manas,
Krishna said that Truth alone triumphs not that false hood, falsehood may sustain for a short time
Krishna Said that whatever you give to others, give with love and reverence as i accept those all in that form,
Krishna command us to do or to refrain from doing, indeed a powerful imperative that helps one to achieve spiritual evolution and fulfilment
Krishna, the revealer of path that directly commended for a cause in the welfare of spirit in the journey of life,
Hare Krishna
हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण
कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे राम हरे राम
राम राम हरे हरे
राधे राधे
May Lord bless all,
Thanks Please