Tuesday, August 28, 2007
sri vrindavan nearing krishna janmastmi

Sri Vrindavan is a divine land for devotees of Lord Krishna, so many temples and so many Ashrams [place to live in with nominal charges with good food in divine touch] adds to the Glory of Sri Vrindavan.
There are so many very old and ancient ashrams to live in with all facilities and divine culture. may be more than 5000 temples on board in Sri Vrindavan with divine spirit, but two appears to be main source of attraction for regular devotees.
1. Sri Sri Bankey Bihari ji_
2. Iskcon_Temple with devotees from all over the world.
Every temple has its divine value which highlights the love for lord sri Krishna.
Now Sri Krishna janmastami is on way, very near just eight days more to go, so Sri Vrindavan Dham will continue to enlighten the spirit of devotees on the chapter of devotion and there will be comprehensive divine celebration in true spirit to oblige self in the colour of Sri Krishna’s Love.
Lord Krishna is the legend of True Love and tangible supports for love on the path of truth.
It is Sri Vrindavan
Not just Vrindavan, great Vrindavan
Not just great, it is Loving land of Lord Krishna
May Lord Krishna bless all,
Thanks please
जय श्री राधे
Sri Vrindavan in sawan
Jai Sri Radhey,
Sri Sawan month is on its way with glory of divine spirit in Sri Vrindavan; Sri Vrindavan never let down the aspirants on the path of devotion and attracts the devotees of lord Krishna with warm welcome.Those who keep faith in Lord Krishna, Sri Vrindavan is more than paradise for them. It is not less than any heaven on the earth for devotees of lord Krishna. Sri Vrindavan is enriched with the divine touch which gives fragrance of Divine Love.
Every breath in Sri Vrindavan indicates the fragrance of Lord Krishna and assure his very presence as of now among the devotees. Sri Sri Tulsi ji[holy basil] adds unto the devotional chapter through its Holy fragrance in this divine land.
Above all its Sri Radha ji, the great giver of the land, and true caretaker of devotees who has taken refuge in Lord Krishna, the whole Sri Vrindavan experience the name of Srimati Radharani from devotees and followers in varying forms, live pitch unto sound of his name is available every in Sri Vrindavan,
Jai Sri Radhey,
Jai Sri Radhey,
Jai Sri Radhey.
May lord Krishna bless all on the chapter of Divine Spirit.
Thanks Please
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Bihari ji
Jai Sri Radhey,
Sri Sri Vrindavan is the city of beautiful Ancient Temples, all are equally nice to visit with faith and spirit but a temple with a difference is known in the name of Sri Bihari ji-Bankey means "Bent at three places"
Sri Bankey Bihari Temple,
Bankey Bihari temple in Vrindavan is one of the graet legends of divine spirit in the land of Lord Krishna in India.
Swami Hari Das made him manifest in the form of Bankey Bihari ji in Nidhivan through his great austerity and penance on the path of divine love.
The Idol of Thakur Ji Sri Bankey Bihari is much older and was worshipped in Nidhivan till 1863. The site of temple in present scenario was constructed in 1864 with the contribution of Goswamis.
After constructing of temple, Goswamis transferred the Idol of Lord Krishna to this temple.
Bihari means "Supreme enjoyer".
Idol of Sri Sri Bankey Bihari ji represents the childhood stage of Lord Krishna,श्री श्री बिहारी जी के चरण दर्शन मात्र एक दिन ही होते है वह दिन है अक्षय तिथि का,
There is a different and unique style of celebrating in the temple for almost every festival.
The deity is dressed up and offered cuisine (Bhog, Prasad) according to season.
Temple is decorated with lights and various types of flower according to festivals.
There are no bells or conch in the temple because Bankey Bihari does not like the sound of bells or conch, 'Radha Naam' alone is dear to Sri Bihari ji.
When someone enters in the temple, feels an eternal bliss and calm that makes one forsake all the miseries. As the one have glimpse of Sri Thakur feel hypnotized by the grace of Lord and attain the supreme status human can achieve on the path of peace and bliss, and one becomes dedicating to Thakur ji in love with, Kind hearted Thakur ji take the perpetual responsibility of truthful devotees and remove all the hurdles raised by ignorance in life through his Divine Grace.
Sri Sri Bihari ji bestower of wishes is as true as the life on the planet and Sun and moon in the sky.
It is Saawan is Vrindavan, glamour of divine spirit is on with devotional fragrance all over-discourses on the life of lord Sri Krishna is on way in the form of pious celestial streams and millions of devotees are heaving Holy Dip in that to purify inner core for the purpose of divine journey.
अक्षय तिथि अत्तार्थ बैसाख शुक्ल तृतीया
श्रद्धालु भक्त बड़े ही भाव विभोर हो कर बिहारी जी के चरणों में पहुचते है और अपनी मन की गति अनुसार चरण दर्शन का लाभ पाते है
श्री श्री बिहारी जी के चरनाविंद में कोटि कोटि प्रणाम,
May Lord bless all
Thanks Plaese
जय श्री राधे
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